As most allergy sufferers know, an allergy attack can make your life miserable. During a typical nasal allergy attack, you may experience sneezing, itchy eyes, nasal congestion, malaise, shortness of breath and a headache. Before resorting to prescription or over-the-counter medication, though, consider the following natural ways to treat allergies.
Read MoreCancer can lead to socioeconomic problems, depression and social isolation, but a self-care program can help boost self-esteem and self-efficacy while increasing spiritual awareness. Incorporating a combination of techniques within your treatment plan is proven to be more effective than traditional treatment alone, so take time every day to put yourself first.
Read MoreEven in the dead of winter I've got hydration on my mind, and my mind on hydration.. Too much indoor heat and not enough water can leave skin feeling crepey and tight. Some foods are actually better at hydrating your body than water, which is great if you find it challenging to drink 8 glasses of plain agua a day.
Read MoreThe sky has opened up and the sun has really been shining down upon the Willamette Valley the last couple of months. Quick! Everyone expose as much skin as possible!!! Eeeasy there buddy, put your shirt back on, lavishly apply a high quality sunscreen, stay in the shade, and wear a hat. Also... enjoy these delicious foods that give your skin a boost from within, decreasing your risk of burning.
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